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Home » How Do We Hear God’s Voice?

How Do We Hear God’s Voice?


The Lord has spoken to so many, and confirmed His direction, time and time again, that He is about to pour out His Spirit upon America, and the nations of the world. Just because God is good, and He does mighty, wonderful things, does not mean that everyone will follow God. If God is so incredibly good, how can people miss him? Either they don’t know Him, or they can’t discern His voice. Many don’t understand that God is speaking and the ways He communicates. God wants relationship with each and every one of us. The Lord made known a powerful series“God’s Secret Wisdom – Perceiving the Thoughts of God”. So many people are talking about insignificant stuff. But, it’s important that we learn and know how the Lord is speaking. There is a part for you to hear what God is saying because He is speaking to you. Are you listening?  


TGLS 113021 

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