Loving God, Loving Others and Leading Others to do the Same




I’ll never forget, it was my first Christmas I knew what Christmas was actually about.  I had lived my life up to this point “thinking I knew” what it was about, but it wasn’t until I had given my heart to the Lord, and He open the eyes of my understanding did I understand instantly what Christmas was about.  Of course, people talked about Christmas my entire life and used words that we are all familiar with, yet, these words, these names, these events spoken of have a completely different meaning to someone whose “mind is blinded”, as Paul writes, who are unbelievers.  That’s the thing about being a blind unbeliever, you don’t know what you don’t know, or you don’t see what you don’t see.    

I had finished up my service in the United States Navy and then worked with my father in his construction company, but it wasn’t until I was in law enforcement was my eyes opened.  I was on patrol one early morning driving down Mobile Hwy in Pensacola, Florida.  Suddenly the Lord just called my name and drew me to Himself.  For me, it was out of nowhere, but what I later found out, it was in His perfect timing for no man can come to the Lord unless the Spirit of God draws him.  I pulled off the road into a church parking lot looking for a Christian Radio station.  No, I didn’t know where one was.  I had to call my dispatcher to ask them.  It was this moment that was the epicenter of a life altering change for me.  It just so happened the church I pulled over into was where I’d be attending that week for the first time and I’d give my life officially to the Lord, accepting Him as my Lord and Savior.   

It was at that moment, things I never saw, I could see clearly.  Paul said it perfectly, my ‘mind was no longer blinded.’  I was about to experience my first Christmas with a heart that was now the Lord’s.  I was so shocked.  All the Christmas songs I heard before, now had a different meaning.  Christmas cards I thought were nice, had significant importance now.  I’ll never forget having the deepest desire to send Christmas cards to my friends and family. I was so excited as I knew I was sending them a card about the “BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT” of the Son of God, Jesus.  “For unto you is born this day in the city of David a SAVIOR, which is Christ the Lord.  This shall be a sign to you; you shall find the Babe wrapped in swaddling clothing, lying in a manger.”  Then angels began praising God saying, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth PEACE, GOOD WILL toward men.”  Luke 2:11-14 

I’m sure some of my friends and family where shocked to know that “Greg Lancaster” was sending them a Christmas card filled with notes of excitement and this amazing announcement.  Yet, it’s been 35 years since that Christmas and the opening of my eyes and the saving of my life, and I’m still just as excited now, as I was then, to make this same birth announcement to you this Christmas!  Merry Christmas!  

Be sure to catch us every Tuesday 7PM CST, 8PM EST for The Greg Lancaster Show.  GregLancaster.org/Live we every week we tell the world the Good News of our Lord and Savior!  

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