LISTEN NOW! In this wisdom moment found in Proverbs 22:7, Greg shares that one of the big worldwide protests today called Occupy Wall Street, it speaks, in a fragmented, unorganized way, for what it claims is the “99%”, who allegedly say that they are being ruled over by the 1%, the ones that have the wealth. They are allegedly saying that this can be resolved by taking from the 1% and giving it to the 99%. The 1%, the wealthy, are saying get wealth for yourself if you’d like to rule, but don’t take our wealth so you can rule. God says, the rich rule over the poor. What does this mean to us, the individual? It means if we’d like to be among the leaders, that we need to do our business well, manage our finances as God instructs us and He will place us in places of leadership.
Courtesy of Robert Kneschke/
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