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Home » Priests for Life Open Letter to Nancy Pelosi; Abortion is not Sacred it’s Sacrilegious

Priests for Life Open Letter to Nancy Pelosi; Abortion is not Sacred it’s Sacrilegious


LISTEN NOW!  John, Pat, and Steve discuss since Roe V. Wade in 1973 there has been over 50 million plus abortions committed in the United States.  When broken down that means 3,322 per day, 138 every hour, and 2 every minute.  They discuss how the Lord has been answering our prayers, “Dear God, end abortion, send revival.”  They share how God is answering those prayers by some of the land mark legislation that has passed around the country.  Legislation in Florida like the Baby Alive! House Bill 1129 which protects the Life of babies born during a botched abortion, the bill in Wisconsin requiring an ultrasound before an abortion, or the bill that passed in the House that bans abortion after 20 weeks called the “Under the Pain Capable Unborn Children Protection Act, and now the state of Texas is aiming to put a bill in motion that would ban abortions in the state of Texas after 20 weeks.  According to detractors they allegedly say the bill would shut down 32 of the 42 abortion clinics in Texas.  They also discuss the open letter from the Priest for Life to congressional leader Nancy Pelosi stating that her comments regarding abortion and that abortion is not something that is sacred but instead sacrilegious.  They encourage the church to continue to repent and get right with God as we are seeing signs of the Lord responding to our repentance and prayers.

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