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Home » There is No Condemnation in Jesus

There is No Condemnation in Jesus


Courtesy of Tatiana Popova/Shutterstock.com

LISTEN NOW! Greg and Pat discuss how there is no condemnation in Jesus.  It’s not the church’s job to condemn.  Romans 8: 1 says “Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.”  Jesus did not come to condemn the world but to save the world.  We are already serving a life sentence.  That’s like telling a prisoner on death row that he is a prisoner. He already knows that.  Telling someone what they are will not motivate them.  Jesus didn’t come to condemn but to save.  Tell them about the love of Jesus and why he came to save us and to set us free.  He has a plan for your life.  Jesus is the doorway that allows the prisoner to be free.  We are not called to be sin focused but the love of God.  You don’t fish with cleaning gear you fish with fishing gear.  Once the fish is caught then you clean the fish.  If we move outside of God’s love we may find we are subject to fall into condemnation.  You must rely on the finished work of Jesus Christ and when you do He will empower you to walk in the place of obedience.   If you have been caught up in the condemning band wagon and feel like it’s your job to point others sins out by being critical and condemning you are actually damaging the gospel.  We are called to share the love of God.  There is a difference between God’s conviction and condemnation.  One produces more of the same and the other leads people to freedom. 

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Tags: religious spirit, prisoner, death row, convince, jail cell, cleaning gear, fishing, critical, judgmental, convicted, confused


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