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Home » Anne Graham Lotz’s Urgent Call to Prayer 777: This is the time

Anne Graham Lotz’s Urgent Call to Prayer 777: This is the time


image source: annegrahamlotz.com

Greg, John, and Pat share about Anne Graham Lotz’s recent burden to call the nation of America to a time of prayer and fasting. Most often, times of hardship are viewed as the wrath of God, but in order to arrive in the fruitful seasons, it is the difficult preparations that brought about the time of blessings as spoken of in Joel chapter one. In these upcoming days of the 7thmonth of the year, bring about a move of God not only in your life, but in the lives of those around you, by seeking God’s protection amidst the increasing evil, exalting Jesus, the coming of a Third Great Awakening, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Pat Robertson, repentance, Rodney Howard Browne, Washington D.C., and tilling of the dirt.


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