LISTEN NOW!Greg, Pat and John have an insightful conversation about the heroes in America. Recently Billy Graham, his son Franklin, and the Billy Graham Association took specific time to honor and recognize all of the Armed Services that make the freedom of America possible. In the culture of America, most often the ones getting much attention are those athletes within the many different sports arenas. There is nothing wrong with sports or putting a specific talent to good use on a court or field. This is not a hero. A true hero are the teachers who spend more time with children than some parents do, all of the hopes of allowing that child to read; the true hero is that police officer who turns down a job of more money to fill that role within their community to keep the streets safe and the neighborhoods peaceful. Even in our own communities, there are those who have paid the ultimate paycheck by laying down their own lives to uphold the blanket of freedom for the civilians of America. The true heroes are not those with the greatest athletic abilities; it those men and women in the armed services, and all of the public services who continue to put on their uniform not knowing if this could be the last time. Enjoy this moment; thank those in your community, as you learn who the true heroes are, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: teachers, fire fighters, military, Escambia County Sherriff’s Office, Don Cook, Dwayne Wade, Shaq, LeBron James, and gratitude. WATCH FULL PROGRAM!
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