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Home » VFNRadio First Hour October 31, 2014

VFNRadio First Hour October 31, 2014



Voters Guides! Learn to Help You When You Vote November 4th


   Amidst the precious abilities in America is the ability to vote, to choose the leadership across America, and most do not. Even though voting takes place every year, some only remember the opportunity to do so when it’s already “slipped past them”. America is a precious land where the people are the Kings; they vote in the leadership. As the day approaches for the November 4th election, take this time as the church and pray about those candidates in your area. Ask God to speak and lead you with wisdom. We can vote the immediate and temporary things that benefit ourselves, or we can vote with the long term in mind. Regardless, there is a stark difference between the two. Find out the importance of your ability to vote, why your vote matters, what it means to be Josiah, and so much more. Greg, Pat and Steve shared during this segment.


MEdia Generation; Life Does Not Come with a Laugh Track


    Only a few generations ago, theatre was the premiere avenue for entertainment. With so much technology, entertainment seeks to take all of our time with 24 hour attractions. It’s not rare to encounter someone who watches movies all day long. With so many visual aids in movies, attractions & social media, we tend to become focused on the glitz, the glamour, and the perfection of what is on T.V., in the lives of others; and then criticizes the reality of what is within our own lives. Many in the younger generation are arriving at a shock when they see what is happening in their own lives and it contradicts what they had expected it to be. There are going to be difficulties, hardships, and trials. Life requires that you get involved. Find out how to enjoy and be a part of your own reality, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Second City Improv, Winnie the Pooh, reality, MTV, and character. Greg, Pat and Steve shared during this segment.


Find Out Ways to Hear God’s Voice Yourself


    What if God gave you a dream, or a vision of specific characters on a TV show, would you consider it random, or God trying to speak to you? Maybe God is trying to speak to you about those around you, or those that you will come into contact with. The saying goes that a picture is worth a 1,000 words. God could be trying to give you a specific direction. If we’re not hearing, that does not mean that God is not speaking. God’s voice is not always an audible voice; it can simply be a “knowing” within. God desires to speak to us and for us to know His voice. In these increasing moments upon the Earth, there is nothing more critical than for us to know the voice of the Lord. Find out how you can hear how God could be speaking to you, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Star Trek, Rick Joyner, and abiding. Greg, Pat and Steve shared during this program.


Have You Begun A Ministry in Social Media? Find out How.


   In our current generation, never before has there ever been as much technology in the Earth as what is being seen in this current generation. Never before did we have the potential to reach the world with a simple click of our mouse or a keyboard. With one single text, one single app, we now have the ability to receive information about what is taking place across the globe. We can literally share the Kingdom of God to all nations at our fingertips. You may not have thought about it, but you can minister through social media. Find out how simple the message of the gospel can be, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: texting, applications, social media, and the nations.  Greg, Pat and Steve shared during this segment.


Keyless Entries and Compact Cars: A Different Perspective


   Have you ever encountered the vehicle you drove in for only a short period of time that wasn’t quite what you were used to: the keyless entry didn’t work and the vehicle was way too small? When you got inside, your view was obstructed and you felt limited. Jesus is the key to eternal life. There is more to our daily routine than trying to live with a limited view. Find out how to be empowered in your view in all that you do when you have the right key, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: rental cars, theft, keyless entries, windshields, and joy. Greg, Pat and Steve shared during this segment.



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