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Home » PROPHECY! EPIC EVENTS AWAIT 2018 – Pastor John Kilpatrick
As we begin this new year, many voices have shared prophetic words about what the Lord has revealed to them about certain events of this year. Pastor John Kilpatrick has recently shared similar words about what the Lord has shown him.
“The Lord declares that carefully laid plans that conflict with His time will come to an abrupt end. The Lord has risen up and charted a different course than any of us has ever seen before. EPIC EVENTS AWAIT!” We can only imagine the events that will bring about the type of change that Pastor Kilpatrick begins to describe. “Whirlwinds of change are going to sweep the continents. Governing bodies and those who rule will wring their hands when they realize they no longer can control or withstand those that they have governed.”
When we look at change, we tend to believe that it requires a certain amount of time to bring about that transformation. As Pastor Kilpatrick continues, this will not be the case, in this season. “The Lord is shortening the days. The normal course of things have been changed and the Lord said they will not return to normal again.” As Pastor Kilpatrick describes the story of Haman, in the book of Esther, what the enemy doesn’t know is that the enemy is the one that will fall into the trap that he set. “Let it be known that any attempt to change laws, put laws on the books, or establish written contrary covenant against God’s people, Israel, will face swift retribution.” Pastor Kilpatrick continues, “the confusion that you see today, in this nation, is only at the beginning stages. This confusion will increase until every continent will be effected by it”.
It’s okay when the world is in chaos. God’s people are not called to live in chaos. Your peace will be a sign to the unbeliever that God is bigger; that they need to be saved; and to come to Jesus Christ. We need to know the voice of the Lord and spend time abiding with Him. The most important thing we can do in a shaking world, is to spend time with Jesus Christ. See the full prophetic word, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: prophecy, prophetic words, Holy Spirit, Pastor John Kilpatrick, encouragement, faith, hope, and confusion. Greg and John shared in this segment.
Ana Blazic Pavlovic/Shutterstock.com
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