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Home » VFNKB #SuccessSecret: 5 Common Characteristics of Highly Successful People: CEO Fast Signs Catherine Monson

VFNKB #SuccessSecret: 5 Common Characteristics of Highly Successful People: CEO Fast Signs Catherine Monson



At VFNKB we want to bring you Success Secrets because your success is our success, our success is your success, and our success together is Kingdom success! This Success Secret is from Catherine Monson, CEO of Fastsigns, and she shares five common characteristics of highly successful people. These can apply to anyone, from a person in the corporate world to being a successful parent and these are all skills that can be developed. “The first is, positive mental attitude, and that may sound very simplistic, but people only want to follow people with a positive attitude…the world of achievement has always belonged to the optimist…a positive mental attitude is trained, it is a skill, it is not something someone is born with.” People can be so discouraged because of their mindset, but we must be positive every single day! We must intentionally have a positive mental attitude. “The next is goal-directed behavior…I would make sure that I had some really great business goals and some great personal goals and then I would do something every day to achieve those.” It is important to have a measurable goal that is tied to a specific behavior.

“The next is self-motivation, whatever it is that grows your business and makes you more successful. It’s doing a little bit more of that than your competition does.” Nobody can motivate you like yourself! Many people look to others to motivate them, but we must tap into sources to motivate ourselves, and VFNKB is a great source to get self-motivation! “The next is a sense of urgency, never put off tomorrow what you can do today.” All we have is today, so we must make it count! “Lastly it is never stop learning…I’d make sure I was very knowledgeable about my industry, I understood what the drivers of the business are. I’d make sure I was focused on how to push those key drivers every day. Leading and managing your team and just working through the plan every day.” Most leaders are continually living in the learning curve. If you are not learning, then you are not growing, and neither is your business or career. We love hearing from you! You can email us at [email protected]. Also shared in this segment, Platform, Knowledge, Franchise. Greg and John shared in this segment.

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5 Common Characteristics of Highly Successful People: FastSigns CEO Catherine Monson 
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