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Home » WATCH! 2 New Supreme Court Justices; Mid Term Elections Red Tsunami Sign of Coming Revival; Wealth Transfer; God Take Hollywood in Two Years

WATCH! 2 New Supreme Court Justices; Mid Term Elections Red Tsunami Sign of Coming Revival; Wealth Transfer; God Take Hollywood in Two Years



PROPHECY! 2 New SUPREME COURT JUSTICES-A Samuel and a Deborah-Charlie Shamp

Despite all that we are seeing in the world today we can know that God knows everything and is in control. When we abide with God by spending time with Him, He will tell us what we need to know, and we will be in partnership with Him. As we look through history, we can see when something great was about to happen when terrible things were going on in the earth. With the propaganda and smear campaign that is going against government officials and supreme court nominees, we can find out who is of God and a prophet of God by their stance. A true prophet of God is bold, and a false prophet of God is fierce. We have seen this fierce jezebelic spirit coming across secular media, and there was a prophecy by Billy Yount that anchors are coming down! The Jezebel spirit seduces people into something and then attacks them for what they were seduced into doing. Also, the Jezebel spirit accuses people of the opposite of who the person is, which we can see this in how many people in government positions and an appointee are being falsely accused. Right now, it is like the last stand of the media saying all the lies they can say before they go down. We are watching news industries go down, and news anchors go down. This is the beginning of a transition and a shift, and we need to have faith in God and how powerful He is! God is in control, and He is activating what He is going to do here on the earth. At VFNKB our goal is to provide the news from a Biblical perspective and to give you hope! We must pray and keep praying for this seducing fierce Jezebel spirit to come down.

Charlie Shamp, President of Destiny Encounter, gives a prophetic word on Elijah Streams concerning two new Supreme Court justices that are going to be appointed. “The Lord showed me that there was a Supreme Court Justice from California that would be stepping down and that the Lord would, in turn, raise up, what He termed, a Samuel and put into the Supreme Court. We are seeing that right now take place.” He says that from what the Lord has shown him, he is seeing that the Samuel is Judge Brett Kavanaugh. “As I was praying about that very word the Lord showed me that not only is He going to put a Samuel there, but He is also raising up a Deborah. I believe that there is a man that is going to be placed in right now and then there is going to be another Supreme Court Justice coming, and that will be a woman, that God calls Deborah.” Charlie says that God has not shown him yet who the Deborah will be.

Currently many are calling the Supreme Court the most powerful position in America, but that is Constitutionally wrong! That position has been used as a leverage of power, but Congress is the most powerful branch, and everything is shifting back to that. God is changing it! Since the Trump Administration has been in office much has been done to restore our government to line up with the U.S. Constitution. Keep praying and be ready to vote in the mid-term elections! We want to hear from you, you can write to us at friends@greglancaster.org. Greg and John shared in this segment.

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God is about to do something that is powerful. What we saw in 2016 with the election of President Donald Trump was a wave, but now we are about to see a tsunami come in. With this tsunami, an awakening will come which is when you see Jesus in all places. God has given us a sign of when this will come. This is a conservative constitutional tsunami that will line up with President Trump and the directions that God wants to take this country.

Charlie Shamp, President of Destiny Encounter, gives a prophetic word on Elijah Streams concerning the tsunami that is coming. “I had seen a red tsunami that hit the east coast and went across to the west coast. And when I saw it, I thought, ‘Oh no this is some kind of catastrophe that the Lord wants me to pray against.’ The Lord spoke to me and said, ‘No, that is a wave of revival, an awakening that is about to come…a sign of what I’m about to do in America will be marked in the November elections, of the mid-terms…there will be a red tsunami that will hit in the Senate and the House of Representatives…Trump will no longer stand alone. A chord of three strands is not easily broken and that He would make the two other branches come alongside,’ which is the Supreme Court and the Senate and the House of Representatives.”

These things are coming to pass! In America red means a conservative constitutional part and blue right now means a liberal group that is leaning towards socialism. Knowing that this red tsunami is coming is a sign that our nation will come back to God. There will be enough conservative constitutionalists in government positions that abortion will end, and when that takes place we believe the third great awakening can happen! The fight currently over Judge Brett Kavanaugh is because of abortion. Many do not want abortion to be stopped! We must keep praying for the ending of abortion and for the American government to be restored to its original intent of following the U.S. Constitution.

Kat Kerr is interviewed on Elijah’s List and shares about what God is going to do! “Be focused in your priorities. Make sure you can go back as much as possible and have restorations with people who were not happy with you no matter whose fault it was. It’s going to be your job to make that restoration happen. That doesn’t mean you want them to repent to you. That means you are going to them and say you’re sorry that they were upset about something, but you are praying for them, you care about them. If you’re going to be able to do something big for God, then you are going to need to make sure that what’s behind you is not left…because He is giving you something brand new to do in this time…or new ways to do it that will be powerfully seen will be very visible…”

“You have heard that it was said to those of old, ‘You shall not murder; and whoever murders will be liable to judgment.’ But I say to you that everyone who is angry with his brother will be liable to judgment; whoever insults his brother will be liable to the council; and whoever says, ‘You fool!’ will be liable to the hell of fire. So, if you are offering your gift at the altar and remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there before the altar and go. First be reconciled to your brother, and then come and offer your gift.” Matthew 5:21-24

This is important because we are doing ministry for God and others, not for ourselves. It is important to always live our lives like this. We can’t be looking for others to get right but we can be sure that we are right with God and others. We want to hear from you, you can write to us at friends@greglancaster.org. Greg and John shared in this segment.

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PROPHECY! HOLLYWOOD TAKEN BY GOD in 1 YEAR, #EntertainmentMountain, Kat Kerr

Kat Kerr is interviewed on Elijah’s List and shares about what God is going to do in Hollywood! “There will be many extremely wealthy people that will get born again, that will want to put their money into the Kingdom immediately. I am talking about celebrities…He is taking Hollywood!” Kat says that we have not seen some actors and actresses be born again behind the scenes but what is coming will be different. “What is coming out of Hollywood at the end of two years, it’s going to start this year (2018) will be powerful. It doesn’t mean it will be Bible stories, but He is going to change the content in a lot of these movies and the ones who don’t want to do it won’t remain.”

This is exciting to see that the Entertainment Mountain is being taken for God! Also, God is going to take the other mountains including the Education Mountain. Greg shares how God has also shown him prophetically through a dream of this taking place. He saw God’s glory in schools! It is very important for young people to experience the glory of God. In the dream, the teachers and the students didn’t want to leave, and a choir began to sing. The children were tattered and torn because of life, and an actress was moved but what she saw caused her to want to give and meet their needs so that none of them would have to worry again. God is going to begin to shift the poverty off the Church and areas that have struggled with poverty. In the dream, the young people could not handle the blessings that were being poured out, so the blessing had to be handled by someone else. We need to prepare our children and ourselves to be able to have the integrity to be able to handle the demands of reality. Everyone must get under authority and accountability to grow in character and integrity.

These are great days for the Church because God is taking His Church back. We can get ready for these great things that are coming! We want to hear from you. You can write to us at friends@greglancaster.org. Greg and John shared in this segment.

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