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PROPHECY! Whose Side are You On? God is Searching for those who are on His Side




PROPHECY! Whose Side are You On? God is Searching for those who are on His Side

As we enter full stride into the new year of 2020, it is vital that we choose the right source of where we get our information from. Just because the media is speaking doesn’t necessarily mean it is correct. What is God saying? Hank Kunneman recently shared on Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural what the Lord had shown him.

Hank was shown something moving very quickly upon the land of America. At first glance, he didn’t know what it was; until the Lord revealed it. What Hank was being shown was the foot of the Lord. “He hit the United States and He went harshly towards the left and moved it towards the right. And He said these words to me, “who is on the Lord’s side?”” Kunnemen continues to highlight the importance for us not to get caught up in mainstream media, and their many words about God’s established leadership. Instead we must believe and trust that God is working out His divine plan.

Kunneman also shared a vision that Lord had shown him where Kunneman saw the hands of the Lord coming to the United States. The hands of the Lord were bringing “a mission of mercy” to America, and that God had “great things for this Decade of Difference”. What is troubling to imagine is what Kunneman was shown next. Some people were rejecting what God was offering because they were focused on what the media was saying! Receiving and believing what God has is just the beginning. We also must understand what the two hands of the Lord represent. On the one hand, we must vote! On the other hand, we must believe God by aligning ourselves with the declarations of our prayers that what God has said is true AND it will come to pass! As Kunneman describes, “A lot of things are going to happen for God’s people and for the Earth that’s good, if we will get behind the Lord’s agenda”.

In America, we must soberly remind ourselves that the transitions of power that take place through elections are an anomaly to what most nations experience for there to be an exchange of power. Most nations experience war when leadership changes hands. Because we are not aware of this, we neglect the importance of voting. Elections are still rough, but Americans must vote!

Greg Lancaster was also shown a similar prophetic night vision similar to what Hank Kunneman was shown. In this particular vision, John Kilpatrick was prophesying in the marketplace. He was shouting these very words, “The enemy is going to come from the right! The enemy is going to come from the left…But we’re going to mow over the enemy!”.   It’s so exciting to see that the enemy of the Lord is going to be dealt with! Here is the question: whose side are we on? You don’t want to be an enemy of God when God is dealing with the enemy! The days of maybe are over. Today is the day that we must decide who we are going to follow, who we are going to believe, and who we are going to trust.

See the full vision that Hank Kunneman was shared by the Lord. Hear the full conversation about the important realities of the days that we are currently living in, as well as a powerful encounter that Greg Lancaster had seeing and encountering Jesus Christ Himself walking down the street. Also shared in this segment: Dutch Sheets, sheep and goat nations, spiritual giants, principalities, prophetic words, billion soul harvest, end time harvest, Sid Roth It’s Supernatural, President Donald Trump, Jerusalem, Golan Heights, Voting, Prayer, and Israel. Greg Lancaster shared in this segment.

Image courtesy of Storyblocks.com

2020 Prophetic Outlook with Hank Kunneman, Tracy Cooke & Jeremiah Johnson


Emmaus Road Discipleship

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