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Home » Seasons of the Prophetic: Your Prophetic Season 

Seasons of the Prophetic: Your Prophetic Season 



Part 1 and Part 3

We continue the conversation about the seasons of the prophetic. Greg shares about some things he has learned personally and things we can learn from the Word of God and from those that have gone before us. It is important for us to learn more about the prophetic because there is a misconception that the prophetic is something we can’t come close to, but the Lord says He will pour out His Spirit on all people!

“‘In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams. Even on my servants, both men and women, I will pour out my Spirit in those days, and they will prophesy.’” Acts 2:16-18

We are not speaking of personal prophets who give personal words constantly at request or offering, which is important, but those who God burns on their hearts a word they are to carry for a season.

“Surely the Sovereign Lord does nothing without revealing his plan to his servants the prophets.” Amos 3:7

It is a word that won’t let them rest, and they carry it like it is the most important thing on the earth because, in truth, every word from God is the most important thing! When we see a prophet in a season of declaring a word, it can be inspiring as they speak with boldness, authority, and passion that can only come from God. Upon God’s call, things shift, yet every season does not last. Seasons come to an end.

We see seasons happen in the natural like weather and sports. Each season has its moment then it changes to the next. For example, if we are in a new season, it would be confusing to talk about a past season like it was still happening.

There are many people that God uses to accomplish His will on earth. If you think you are the only one, then you may not be used much longer. If you are one of the many, remember that we all are called to do what we do for an audience of One, unto the Lord! Greg shares in this season of the prophetic about your prophetic season. It may look and sound nothing like another prophet or a season other people are in.

You cannot allow another person’s season or word to become yours because you heard it from them and not from God! When we hear a prophetic word from someone else, we need to check it out. For example, it may be a word for another region and not for you or your region, and you could hear a word that is for you and you alone, not for anyone else. Don’t mix what God is saying through you with someone else’s word. Also, people are known by their fruit. You can look at a prophet’s life to see if you can receive the word they shared because Jesus said many will prophesy in His name, but He will say He never knew them! God can speak prophetically through a person who doesn’t even know Him! So, we must be careful and walk in fear and trembling as we listen to what God is saying to us in our prophetic season.

This is why it is important to have an abiding relationship with Jesus because as you spend time with Him, He can reveal His plans for you daily! You must stay close to Jesus if you want to succeed in your prophetic season. You can get a free abiding plan HERE and start abiding with Jesus today by learning how to listen to His voice!

When God has given us a word for our season, it does not mean it is a stamp of approval for every situation or person. It may be specifically for one church or one person, so we must listen to the Lord and hear how He is leading us to deliver that word. Don’t be unfaithful in your season, don’t mix your words with somebody else and don’t pick up a word that is not yours and claim it to be yours! You need to give credit to whoever delivered the word. You don’t want to mislead someone if that was not a word from God. Do not miss your season because you want to be found faithful in what God has given you.

How has this helped you to understand your prophetic season? We want to hear from you! Write to us at [email protected] or in the VFNKB Community HERE. Greg shared in this segment.

Image courtesy of Storyblocks.com


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