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How to Receive Healing: Unleashing the Power of Faith and God’s Will

Exploring Biblical Scriptures and Principles for Personal Healing


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Receiving healing is a desire that resonates with many individuals. In this article, we will delve into the teachings of renowned healing evangelist Oral Roberts, who emphasizes the importance of faith and the assurance of God’s will in the healing process. Through the exploration of relevant Biblical scriptures and the practical application of key principles, we will discover how to experience divine healing in our lives. 

Know that God’s Will is to Heal You:  

Understanding God’s will is foundational to receiving healing. It is crucial to have personal, active faith in God for our own healing. The Apostle Peter and the prophet Isaiah confirm that healing is available through the redemptive work of Christ. By His wounds, we are healed. Recognizing this truth and embracing it with unwavering faith becomes the catalyst for experiencing divine healing. 

Remember that Healing Begins Within:  

Healing encompasses more than physical restoration; it involves the wholeness of body, mind, and soul. Our spiritual connection with God is pivotal to receiving healing. Recognizing our sins and seeking forgiveness are essential steps in restoring harmony with our Creator. Condemnation hinders faith, while righteousness and spiritual renewal allow our faith to flourish. By being born again and embracing the transforming power of Christ, we can overcome condemnation and walk in confidence towards God’s healing. 

Use a Point of Contact for the Release of Your Faith:  

Establishing a point of contact serves as a tangible means to activate and release our faith. While God is a spirit and not physically present before us, we can create a point of contact that helps us focus our faith. The Roman centurion’s request for Jesus to speak a word and the woman with the issue of blood desiring to touch Jesus’ garment exemplify the effective use of points of contact. Similarly, the Apostles in the book of Acts sent handkerchiefs and aprons, which became points of contact for healing. Today, the use of faith-cloths continues to facilitate healing. 

Turn Your Faith Loose Now!:  

Delaying faith or expecting healing without a specific time frame can undermine our confidence. Setting a time for healing aligns with the Scriptural truth that faith works in the present moment. Just as the woman with the issue of blood and the Roman centurion expected immediate healing, we should also believe that God’s healing power is available now. The secret lies in instant obedience and wholehearted trust. Instead of waiting, we must turn our faith loose, believing that God is ready to deliver healing. 



Close the Case for Victory:  

Once we have received healing through faith, it is essential to close the case and move forward victoriously. This involves severing all ties with the affliction, focusing on God’s power and deliverance, and reframing our outlook on life. By living on the sunny side of life and testifying to God’s miraculous healing, we solidify our victory and prevent the enemy from regaining a foothold in our lives. 

Join Yourself to Companions of Faith:  

After receiving healing, it is crucial to surround ourselves with a supportive community of faith. The encouragement and atmosphere of faith are instrumental in nurturing our continued spiritual growth and maintaining our healing. Choosing a church that believes in the reality of healing and provides abundant faith and hope is essential for long-term spiritual well-being. 


 Receiving healing is not merely a distant possibility but a present reality for those who exercise faith in God’s will. By acknowledging God’s desire to heal, nurturing our spiritual connection, utilizing points of contact, unleashing our faith, and embracing a community of faith, we position ourselves to experience divine healing. Let us embark on this journey, confident in the promises of God and empowered by the teachings of Oral Roberts, as we step into a life of wholeness and well-being. 

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