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The Blessing of Waiting: Learning from Abraham’s Journey of Faith

Embracing the Reality and Importance of Waiting on the Lord



In our fast-paced world, waiting is often seen as a burden or a waste of time. We live in an era of instant gratification, where patience is a rare virtue. However, the Bible teaches us the reality and significance of waiting on the Lord. Just as Abraham exemplified unwavering faith while waiting for God’s promises, we too can learn valuable lessons from his journey. This article explores the profound truths behind Isaiah 40:31 and the transformative benefits of waiting on the Lord. 

Understanding the Essence of Waiting 

Isaiah 40:31 states, “But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.” Waiting on the Lord is not simply about biding our time; it is an act of trust and expectation. It is recognizing that God’s plans and timing are perfect, even when they don’t align with our own desires. Waiting involves actively seeking God, surrendering our own agendas, and aligning ourselves with His will. 

Abraham’s Journey: A Testament of Faith in Waiting 

Abraham, the father of many nations, received a divine calling and promise from God. Against all hope, Abraham believed. However, the fulfillment of God’s promise was not immediate. Abraham and his wife Sarah faced a significant challenge – their bodies were not able to bear children. Despite the impossibility of the situation, Abraham’s faith did not waver. He trusted in the faithfulness of God, even in the face of adversity. 

Abraham’s journey of waiting was marked by numerous trials and difficulties. He had to leave his homeland, face famine, deal with family conflicts, and navigate the uncertainties of a nomadic life. Yet, throughout it all, Abraham’s faith remained steadfast. He understood that waiting was not a passive endeavor but an opportunity to grow in faith, endurance, and dependence on God. 


The Lessons We Can Learn 

Abraham’s example teaches us invaluable lessons about waiting on the Lord. Firstly, waiting cultivates patience and perseverance in our walk with God. It reminds us that God’s timing is perfect, and His plans are worth waiting for. Secondly, waiting strengthens our faith. It challenges us to trust in God’s faithfulness, even when circumstances seem impossible. Just as Abraham gave glory to God throughout his waiting period, we too can find strength and encouragement by acknowledging God’s sovereignty and faithfulness in the midst of our waiting. 

Moreover, waiting serves as a time of refinement and preparation. It is in the waiting that our character is molded, our hearts are transformed, and our faith is deepened. As we patiently wait, God works in us, equipping us for the fulfillment of His promises. 

Embracing Waiting as a Transformative Journey 

The benefits and blessings of waiting on the Lord are profound. When we wait upon Him, our strength is renewed. We soar above life’s challenges, just as eagles soar in the sky. We find endurance to run the race without growing weary, and we walk steadily with unwavering faith, even when the road is difficult. 

Embracing waiting as a transformative journey requires a shift in perspective. Rather than seeing waiting as a hindrance, we must recognize it as a season of growth and preparation. As we trust God’s timing and rest in His faithfulness, we begin to understand that waiting is a good thing. It is a time to draw near to God, seek His face, and deepen our relationship with Him. 


In a world that values immediacy, waiting on the Lord may seem counterintuitive. However, the story of Abraham reminds us of the profound lessons we can learn from patiently waiting on God’s promises. Waiting is not merely a passive process; it is an opportunity for growth, faith-building, and deepening our relationship with the Lord. As we embrace waiting, let us pray and ask God to teach us to wait, just as the beautiful lyrics of the song “Teach me Lord, to Wait.” remind us. May we find encouragement and strength as we trust God’s timing and rest in His faithfulness. 



Teach Me, Lord, to Wait  

Verse 1: 

Teach me, Lord, to wait 

Down on my knees 

Till in Your own good time 

You answer my pleas 

Teach me not to rely 

On what others do 

But to wait in prayer for an answer from You 



They that wait upon the Lord 

Shall renew their strength 

They shall mount up with wings 

As eagles they’ll run 

They shall walk and not faint 

Teach me, Lord, teach me, Lord, to wait 


Verse 2: 

Teach me, Lord, to wait 

While hearts are aflame 

Let me humble my pride 

And call on Your name 

Keep my faith renewed 

My eyes on Thee 

Let me be on this earth 

What You want me to be 



They that wait upon the Lord 

Shall renew their strength 

They shall mount up with wings 

As eagles they’ll run 

They shall walk and not faint 

Teach me, Lord, teach me, Lord, to wait 



When I’m about to fall 

And I can’t see my way 

When the night is long 

And the skies turn gray 

Still, in faith, I will trust 

You’re working for my good 

Teach me, Lord, to wait as I know You would 



They that wait upon the Lord 

Shall renew their strength 

They shall mount up with wings 

As eagles they’ll run 

They shall walk and not faint 

Teach me, Lord, teach me, Lord, to wait 



Teach me, Lord, teach me, Lord, to wait 

Teach me, Lord, teach me, Lord, to wait 

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