The narrative being sown across the land of America is that it is not a blessed land flowing with milk and honey. The lie being shared is that God was involved in the foundations of America. The saying, “for God and country”, is significant in these matters. Because God came first, the nation of America came about. It is for “God and country”, not “for country and many gods”. Have we forgotten that America is a blessed land? Have we forgotten the significance of God’s role in the birthing of America? It’s OK to recognize America as a blessed land flowing with milk and honey. It’s OK to look back on the history in America. It’s OK to revisit the monuments and see the significance of the Biblical values carved into stone. It’s OK to stand with your hand over your heart pledging allegiance to the American Flag. Enjoy this encouraging discussion as you remember what makes the nation of America great, how we can return to a place of gratitude acknowledging all that God has done, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Jehoshaphat, Ahab, gratitude, Original Intent, Founding Fathers, The Declaration of Independence, The Constitution, First Amendment, Generations, complaining, and faith.