LISTEN or WATCH NOW! At VFNKB we want to bring you Success Secrets because your success is our success, our success is your success, and our success together is Kingdom …
LISTEN NOW! President Trump and Governor Mike Huckabee Discuss Historic U.S. Embassy Move to Jerusalem We are so thankful for the great things that are taking place in America! History …
LISTEN or WATCH NOW! In this segment the VFNKB Success Secret is about great career advice directed towards millennial’s but is really for anyone and it gives the points on …
LISTEN NOW! Google’s Driver-less Cars Waymo, 20,000 to hit the Streets by Year 2020 Waymo, owned by Google, is a company working with Jaguar, who will be releasing 20,000 driver-less …
LISTEN or WATCH NOW! We always hear about work-life balance but what about work-life harmony? Jeff Bezos, with Amazon, shares his wisdom and this VFNKB Success Secret on this topic! …
LISTEN or WATCH NOW! Yahoo CEO, Marissa Mayer shares her secrets to success. She started her career with Google and helped established many of the foundational products of the company …
LISTEN NOW! God Loves His Church NOT Religion: We must Know the Difference A report is shared from The Guardian concerning the Church, and the title is, England’s Churches can …
LISTEN or WATCH NOW! We can look at people and admire their labors and works. An example is Michelangelo. Obviously God gave him a great artistic talent, and people still …
LISTEN NOW! Standing between the Living and the Dead A huge disaster happened back in Moses’ day. The ground opened and swallowed Cora and his followers. It could have been …
LISTEN or WATCH NOW! In India, there is a population of over 1 billion people, and much of our technology in the world has come from that country. Greg talks …
LISTEN or WATCH NOW! We are called as Christians to be about the Father’s business. We call this the VFN Kingdom Business, VFNKB, our job is to advance the …
LISTEN or WATCH NOW! Jesus told us, the Church, to go into all the nations to make disciples, Matthew 28:19, Jesus said to His disciples, “Go therefore and make …