LISTEN NOW! John, Pat, and Chris enjoy discussing a recent commercial by LG shows job applicants panicking as they see what looks like a shock and awe attack as they …
LISTEN NOW! John, Pat, and Chris have fun talking about John’s favorite meal; pizza. They continue to discuss the world record that was just set for the largest pizza. The …
LISTEN NOW! John, Pat and Chris discuss John’s new workout regimen. He shares in detail his motivation and inspiration for wanting to get into another shape than the …
LISTEN NOW Greg, John, and Pat discuss how match making services like E Harmony have become popular as a way for people to meet their ideal mate. They continued to report …
LISTEN NOW! John, Greg, and Pat discuss how Uncle Si from Duck Dynasty fame is an author. His new book is called Si-Cology 1: Tales and Wisdom from Duck Dynasty’s …
LISTEN NOW! Greg, John, and Pat discuss how it is so much easier today to gain weight than it was years ago. They continue to discuss how it seems the …
LISTEN NOW! Chris, Pat and John discuss Chris’ exploding enchiladas experience. Chris shares how his wife made a great batch of enchiladas and sat the glass dish they were in …
LISTEN NOW Pat, Chris and John discuss how Pat’s pug went over the weekend to be with his brother Frankie. As previously shared on VFNRadio Samson was running the …
LISTEN NOW! Pat, John and Steve discuss a video of Pat’s two dogs Holly and Samson. They share about how these two dogs that are completely different in size …
LISTEN NOW! Pat and Chris give John a hard time over his new family dog Sonny. They continue to talk about the new poodle and their pugs. Enjoy their discussion …
LISTEN NOW! John, Pat and Steve talk about John’s fitness program. He continues to share how his father n law and brother n law are so fit. His 68 year …
LISTEN NOW! – Greg, John, and Pat talk about Greg’s weekend. They talk about how Greg visited Pat’s home and how perfect and immaculate his home looks as Greg shares …