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Home » After Near- Death, Woman Claims Heavenly Conversation with Jesus

After Near- Death, Woman Claims Heavenly Conversation with Jesus


LISTEN NOW! John, Steve and Pat discuss a report from Fox News8 regarding a near death experience where a woman and a man share their heavenly experience.  In the video, a fire fighter shares how he had a heart attack and was clinically dead and lived to share about his experience.  He says that he saw a gradient light like looking at flat horizon on a cloudless day and felt perfect peace.  A woman felt this incredible warmth and after she was able to see Jesus clearly and without him speaking a word she could hear Him say to her not now not my child and the next thing she knew she was waking up in a recovery room.  They even interview a doctor who was skeptical at first of these occurrences but upon his research found there was more statistical evidence that proves them real. One such case regarded a man who was blind and after his near death experience was able to describe the operating room in full detail and what occurred.  They continue to discuss the experience of death and going to heaven that Howard Pittman describes in the book Placebo.  They also discuss Bob Jones experience when he first died and the Lord sent him back from heaven and what Jesus asked him in heaven.  Jesus asked Bob did he learn to love?   They remind us that the question is what will happen to you when you die and where will you go?  They remind us that if we are not sure we can be sure by making Jesus the Lord of our lives today.






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