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Home » Hobby Lobby Wins Supreme Court Case, Court Ruling 5-4 Obama’s Care Contraceptive Mandate UNCONSTITUTIONAL!

Hobby Lobby Wins Supreme Court Case, Court Ruling 5-4 Obama’s Care Contraceptive Mandate UNCONSTITUTIONAL!

Courtesy of Rob Wilson/Shutterstock.com 

LISTEN NOW!  Greg, John, and Pat discuss the happenings of Hobby Lobby’s continual stand for what is right in the eyes of the Lord. As a light to this nation, the Green Family has stood unwavering for their religious beliefs amidst the standards of Obamacare. As a business owner, “you are the Green family”; stand up for God and be a bold light where you are like the Green family. Be encouraged about this pivotal decision as you find out how to respond and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Constitution, abortion, faith, and the Supreme Court.



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