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Home » Seasons of the Prophetic: Looking Back Over Many Seasons




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Seasons of the Prophetic: Looking Back Over Many Seasons

We have a conversation about the seasons of the prophetic. Greg shares about some things he has learned personally and things we can learn from the Word of God and from those that have gone before us. It is important for us to learn more about the prophetic because there is a misconception that the prophetic is something, we can’t come close to, but the Lord says He will pour out His Spirit on all people!

“‘In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams. Even on my servants, both men and women, I will pour out my Spirit in those days, and they will prophesy.’” Acts 2:16-18

We are not speaking of personal prophets who give personal words constantly at request or offer to give a word, which is important, but those who God burns on their hearts a word they are to carry for a season.

“Surely the Sovereign Lord does nothing without revealing his plan to his servants the prophets.” Amos 3:7

It is a word that won’t let them rest, and they carry like it is the most important thing on the earth because, in truth, every word from God is the most important thing! When we see a prophet in a season of declaring a word, it can be inspiring as they speak with boldness, authority, and passion that can only come from God. Upon God’s call, things shift, yet every season does not last. Seasons come to an end.

We see seasons happen in the natural like weather and sports. Each season has its moment then it changes to the next. For example, if we are in a new season, it would be confusing to talk about a past season like it was still happening.

As we live out our lives, there are many things that we go through, and as we have talked about all these different seasons, another season would be one where we look back over our many seasons. When people travel or at least in the history of travel, they would put stickers all over their luggage with places that they visited. You could look at the luggage to see the different places they have been too. Also, a person’s passport can reflect that too. By the time a person is done with their season of traveling, the luggage will be beat up, maybe worn out and tattered. A lot of people would say throw the luggage away because it is torn up, but when you are the person who did all the traveling, you would not throw it away! You would see each sticker as a reminder of what happened in that place. You may know each scar on the luggage and remember how it got there. It would be precious to you because it has been through life with you.

This is how we can look back over the prophetic seasons of our life. We get beat up and hurt; we lose relationships or maybe our health, but we can look back and remember each moment that those things happened because we did not stop proclaiming the prophetic word God gave us! Even though we get hurt and go through pain in our seasons, it was still a powerful time! This is how God looks at our life, each moment you faced where you were hurt because you obeyed the Lord we believe it will be like a badge of honor you will have when you get to heaven.

Also, much of our culture right now does not honor those that have gone before us. We must honor the prophets who have gone before us! They have faced many seasons, and through their experience, we can learn and gain more confidence to do what God has called us to do. Do you honor their scars and their journey? Or do you only talk about the things you are facing? Tell me who you honor, and that will tell me who you are, it will tell your future.

Don’t be discouraged if you feel forgotten or if you feel like you have been hidden in a closet. God will never forget you! Maybe He has you tucked away and hidden so that He can make sure people know the prophecy He gave you was about Him and not about you. Smith Wigglesworth was concerned at the end of his ministry because people were requesting him when it was God working through him. He asked God for more time to make it right so that he could lead people to Jesus instead of himself. This is what should always be done as a prophet. A true prophet draws people closer to God, and a false prophet draws people closer to themselves. Be encouraged and remember this is all about Jesus and to bring Him glory! When you face pain, remember it is all for Jesus! Stay faithful in your prophetic season and be confident in what God has called you to do. Do not give up! God is with you.

How has looking back over your past seasons encouraged you or reminded you of why you keep going on? We want to hear from you! Write to us at [email protected] or in the VFNKB Community HERE. Greg shared in this segment.

Image courtesy of Storyblocks.com


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