LISTEN NOW! (Or WATCH FULL PROGRAM!) President Trump continues his productive record in the White House as he shares his Weekly Address to the American people. As we celebrate Women’s History Month, …
LISTEN NOW! (Or WATCH FULL PROGRAM!) As more and more jobs are being created, the question is: where is the best place to work? has recently released the Top 10 Places …
LISTEN NOW! President Trump is continuing his words of hope, inspiration, and encouragement as he recently visited the soon to be commissioned USS Gerald R. Ford. It is the newest …
LISTEN NOW! As President Trump and his cabinet continue on through the first 100 days of the Trump Administration, they are now focusing their efforts on repealing The Affordable Care …
LISTEN NOW! A new voice is at the helm of leadership over America. A voice of hope and inspiration is once again echoing out from the halls of Washington. In …
LISTEN NOW! President Trump continues to express his encouragement and hope as he details and updates the American people regarding an overview of what his team carried out this last …
LISTEN NOW! Since 2009, we have been lifting up prayers asking God to end sex slavery, sexual trafficking in the world. Even before that, IHOP, The International House of Prayer …
LISTEN NOW! The Internet is one thing, but the Internet of Things is another. It’s so much of a thing, that its being addressed by leaders of cybersecurity, as well …
LISTEN NOW! Before there was Planned Parenthood, there was Margaret Sanger. Some may not be familiar with Sanger, but they are familiar with what her ideas and early concepts were …
LISTEN NOW! Time and time again, Planned Parenthood, and those that support Planned Parenthood, claim that abortions only make up 3% of the services that Planned Parenthood provides. Whether it …
LISTEN NOW! There are so many magazines published each day covering a multitude of topics and lifestyles that range for all age groups. One of these magazines is Teen Vogue. …
LISTEN NOW! When we say the name “Norma McCorvey”, some may recognize the name, but when we say the Supreme Court Case, Roe v Wade, more would recognize the latter …