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Home » Heart of Nehemiah: Know The SEASON, Ground work for VISION, & CONFRONTING RIDICULE when you are building (Part 2 of 13)

Heart of Nehemiah: Know The SEASON, Ground work for VISION, & CONFRONTING RIDICULE when you are building (Part 2 of 13)


LISTEN NOW! Greg and Pat discuss Nehemiah’s heart; the secret to rebuilding the walls of the church in America.  They continue to discuss how there is nothing more beautiful than true repentance.  It’s not just about saying you are sorry and that’s it.  True repentance causes us to do something and to change.  They further discuss the importance of knowing the season that you are in so that you can respond appropriately.  They continue to speak how God is just looking for someone to stand in the gap.  Nehemiah was that man that was willing to stand in the gap because he had the heart of God.   There must be a people not only willing to stand in the gap but also a people who are ready to get right. 

If you are not willing to work without complaining, can’t function in marriage the way God sees it, and can’t honor leadership you are not ready for the deliverance that Nehemiah brings.  They discuss how Nehemiah understood how to get God’s attention.  They further discuss the importance of not just repenting for the sins of our fathers but our sins as well; the importance of not blaming leaders, fathers, and others but we all have to take ownership.  Look at what has happened to America.  It was once known as the bread basket of the world.  They discuss the necessity to have a plan and to be able to answer specific questions when talking about rebuilding the walls of the church in America.  They also discussed that if you don’t have a plan but you do have some answers to the questions, then consider joining others that have the other answers that you don’t have so that everyone with answers can come together for the betterment of the church.  Nehemiah approached his authority with humility and honor before God and because of that He was able to ask with great boldness for specific things that he would need to rebuild the walls.  They share that as Nehemiah approached the broken walls and surveyed himself and pondered in his heart what he was called to lead, he began to share his clear vision with others who were going to do the work.    The Bible tells us in Habakkuk 2:2-3 “Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets so that a herald may run with it.For the revelation awaits an appointed time; it speaks of the end and will not prove false.Though it linger, wait for it; it will certainly come and will not delay.”  Nehemiah had a plan. 

They also encourage us to cry out to God for Him to help us understand and to have His perspective.   It has been said by some that the church has sold the American dream and just gave people Jesus.  When we go forth to rebuild the walls of the church in America don’t be surprised if a spirit of Sanballat rises up to ridicule you just as it did to Nehemiah.  Don’t be intimidated by the horizontal happenings with Sanballat.  So many things will come against you but you will need to stick, stay and stand even when it stinks.  Don’t let Satan’s weapon of ridicule stop you.  They encourage us to understand that if we have done things the right way before God, those with a Sanballat spirit will use horizontal authority to come against us.  How we do things and how we honor authority that God has established matters greatly.  Right now the church is in the same condition of disgrace as the broken walls and burned gates of Jerusalem.  IF we intently soak on Nehemiah’s heart and understand what it means to truly repent, God will begin to rebuild his church.

Torch Articles on Each Part:

  1. Heart Of Nehemiah: POWER Of True Repentance, What It Looks Like & FAVOR That Comes With It (Part 1 Of 13)
  2. Heart Of Nehemiah Know The SEASON, Ground Work For VISION, & CONFRONTING RIDICULE When Your Building (Part 2 Of 13)
  3. Heart Of Nehemiah: Time To Get On The FIELD & SPEAK The Same Vision, DON’T Let Them STOP You (Part 3 Of 13)
  4. Heart Of Nehemiah: The Battle Continues As You Build, But Don’t Let It STOP YOU; YOU WIN IF YOU DON’T QUIT, (Part 4 Of 13)
  5. Heart Of Nehemiah: Government Leadership STUCK, Because Church Leadership STUCK, Chuck Pierce (Part 5 Of 13)
  6. Heart Of Nehemiah: FINISH THE WORK! The Importance Of Completing The Work Till The Last Brick (Part 6 Of 13)
  7. Heart Of Nehemiah: Staying Faithful In Low Places, Being Sure They Too Are Built Up (Part 7 Of 13)
  8. Heart Of Nehemiah: Strategy From Heaven, Requires Building & Fighting To Succeed (Part 8 Of 13)
  9. Heart Of Nehemiah: Your Enemy Will FREAK OUT! And BEWARE Of What You SHARE! Part (9 Of 13)
  10. Heart Of Nehemiah: You Can’t Live Off The Repentance Of OTHERS (Part 10 Of 13)
  11. Heart Of Nehemiah: Heart Alignment And Acceptance Of The Leadership Of Jesus Part (11 Of 13)
  12. Heart Of Nehemiah: The BLAME GAME Doesn’t WORK, But Abiding With The Lord Does! Part (12 Of 13)
  13. Heart Of Nehemiah: Don’t Allow Someone IGNORING GOD Stop You From OBEYING GOD (Part 13 Of 13)

*we suggest listening to all segments for complete context



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