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Home » Don’t conform to your Situation Let your Situation Conform to the Word of God

Don’t conform to your Situation Let your Situation Conform to the Word of God

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LISTEN NOW!  John and Pat discuss the importance of not conforming to our situation but instead allowing our situation to conform to God’s Word, They continue to discuss a situation that unfolded when the disciples found themselves, in Matthew 14, in a boat and saw Jesus walking on the water headed towards them.  They were of course terrified and experience a whole range of emotions because they were having a hard time believing what they was not a ghost.  Who can blame them because right before their eyes they were seeing Jesus do something that totally was opposite of what was normal and against natural law.  Peter had enough courage to call out to Jesus and asked him if indeed it was him for him to call Peter to himself and Jesus did.  If it wasn’t remarkable enough that Jesus was walking on water we now see that Peter too began to walk on water and do just as Jesus was doing.  However, the minute that Peter took his eyes off of Jesus and put it on the wind he became afraid and began to sink and Jesus reached out his hand to rescue him and said you of little faith.  They continue to discuss that Jesus was so full of faith and full of the heavenly realm that he didn’t allow natural law to affect him but instead he affected the natural law and caused it to conform to him.    So many times because of fear and suffering loss we fail to trust God and His truth and cause God’s truth to submit to the situation.  We see that this was not the case with Jesus.  If someone was sick he healed them, if they needed to walk he said pick up your mat, if they needed an eye he just created one out of mud.  Since God made us in His image we can gather that the Lord wants us to operate just as He did and to understand that we are first a spirit that is contained in a body not the other way around.  We need to be so full of God and his truth that our first inclination to any situation should not be to conform to our situations but to cause the natural situations in our life to conform to the supernatural.  All things are possible for those who believe.

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Matthew 14:22-33

Tag: Sea of Galilee, Conform, Situation, World, Faith, Circumstances 


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