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Home » “It Seems Like I should Never Have Joy Again because I Miss Him”, Taya Kyle, Honoring Our Veterans This Memorial Day

“It Seems Like I should Never Have Joy Again because I Miss Him”, Taya Kyle, Honoring Our Veterans This Memorial Day


LISTEN NOW! Chris Kyle was one of America’s deadliest weapons against the enemies on the battlefield. Serving in the Navy as a Navy Seal, he also served as a sniper. After surviving multiple combat tours, Kyle was murdered after returning home. His wife, Taya Kyle, is now continuing her life seeking to reach out and help others. Taya has created the Chris Kyle Frog Foundation to help families after deployments. Taya has written a new book American Wife, seeking to help other military marriages as well. She was recently interviewed by CBN about how her life is.

Considering the reality of Chris’s murder, Taya comments how she never got angry. “God promises free will and with that, people have the choice to do evil and He doesn’t just promise that for one person…its free will period. It’s your choice.” She continues to share how God has helped her through the process; “What He does promise is that He’ll bring beauty through the ashes. God knows it’s going to happen and I can tell you the ways and the things that I feel He did to prepare me for it…”

When asked about the importance of helping military families and marriages, she shares, “When we heal the marriage, it says in the Bible, ‘God first, marriage second, and children third’ and a lot of times when you are separated for so long…one of the spouses, whoever is home, is putting the kids first and then trying to put the marriage first, and to figure it all out can be a bit of a mess.”Because of her actions to benefit others she was awarded the ‘Gabby Giffords Award for Courage and Bravery’.


The opportunities to help and benefit so many others doesn’t come without her own continuing struggles. “I feel that you can’t even predict grief”. Taya also shares that there is blessing in these hard times; “The blessing in it is that I feel that I’ve been so broken that I’ve had no choice but to trust that God will take care of it. I just have to keep trying to do my best with whatever it is that’s in front of me.” She continues, “It seems like I should never have joy again because I miss him.”

We are thankful for the overwhelming support and honorfrom the State of Texas how Kyle was recognized during his funeral. Just like Texas remembered the sacrifice of Kyle, we remember the sacrifice of all of those that gave the ultimate sacrifice of their lives. What is surprising amidst the support from Texas, President Obama did not comment at all. Could it be that doing so, he would be acknowledging the enemy that Chris was fighting while on his deployments did exist, and what Chris had done was right?

While some may not be supportive of our military, there are elected leaders, like Senator Tom Cotton, from Arkansas, who openly stand behind and support our military. In addition, he openly comments against those who reportedly seek to defund our nation’s military. These were just some of the words he used to express Nevada Senator Harry Reid, when speaking at the U.S. Senate, “This institution will be cursed less with his cancerous leadership” and that Senator Reid’s comments are likened to ”bitter, vulgar, incoherent, ramblings.” What sparked these remarks was Senator Reid’s reported actions of trying to stop funding for our troops.

It’s amazing how culture today can have zero compassion for others and be totally okay with someone losing their life. Greater power means greater responsibility. We will all be held accountable for how we handle the lives of others, especially those that have been positioned into places of leadership. Every life matters. If we do not value life, then others are not going to value our life.

See the full interview of Taya Kyle, information about her new book, Senator Cotton’s full comments, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: honor, duty, military, service members, Veterans Day, Memorial Day, grief, loss, hardship, depression, family, spouses, deployments, military, and faith. Greg and Steve shared in this segment.  

  screen capture from CBN.com

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