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Home » PROPHECY! The Year of the Wind, Pastor John Kilpatrick

PROPHECY! The Year of the Wind, Pastor John Kilpatrick


LISTEN NOW! WATCH FULL PROGRAM! As we witness the many shakings and occurrences that have happened throughout America and the world, it is an encouraging reminder to remember the prophetic words that were shared and delivered at the beginning of the year. The prophetic word “The Year of the Wind” delivered by Pastor John Kilpatrick is one of these words and it is greatly encouraging and will stir your faith.

The very opening words set the stage for what God is doing. “This year will be very unusual on many levels. As a matter of fact, a phrase will be repeated over and over on the lips of people of many nations. You will hear it said, “I have never seen anything like this before.” There will be a great stir among the people of the nations. Seemingly, nothing will remain normal any longer. This will not be just an American phenomenon, but it will touch all the continents.”


For those who have experienced continual setbacks and obstacles, there is great encouragement for you. “You have had such obstacles in your life. It has been as though you have experienced a contrary wind in your face hindering your every move. As a matter of fact, for many years, almost everything you have attempted has experienced setbacks! “In your face” is the phrase that best fits where you have been.” God has been working even when it seemed to be not so. “At times, you have even tried to justify this contrary wind as possibly being sent from God; but you knew in your heart that was not true. Now, things have shifted, and what was once resistance to you has now moved behind you and is working for you, propelling you forward. Things are definitely changing from contrary to favorable.”
Pastor Kilpatrick also shared that a fresh wind is coming from Heaven. “This shift in the wind will cause life-giving air to blow into the nostrils and mouths of your loved ones who have fainted. It will be somewhat like a supernatural oxygen mask. Even the backsliders and the lost, who have been slowly dying and have fallen by the wayside struggling to breathe, shall catch their breath.” Kilpatrick continues to share, “Those who are saturated with the cares of life and those who suffer dark depression, anxiety attacks and disturbed sleep shall finally find rest and relief. The Comforter has come! This wind bloweth where it listeth. As in the Upper Room, the Spirit was so anxious that He rushed. It was a rushing and a mighty wind! It will cover you and your loved ones like a warm comforter blanket.”


It is important to remember that what we wrestle with is not flesh and blood, but spiritual wickedness in the heavenly realm as described in Ephesians 6:10-18. One of these spiritual forces that fights against the Body of Christ is the Jezebel Principality. This is coming down. As Kilpatrick shares, “Jezebel will not leave on her own accord, but I, the Lord, will cause her to fall from her tower of power. Even as of late, you have wondered if anything could unseat her from her evil purposes. Her victims are many. She has come to her final chapter. I, the Lord, will not tolerate her subversive activities any longer! Deliverance has come!”


If these words encourage you and are wind for your sails, you will surely be blessed to hear the full word. Some of the other prophetic words are: “Say Goodbye to the Pigpen”, “From Drought to Drenching Rain”, “Deliverance From Womb Wounds”, “Forgive But Run”, “Laugh at the Locusts”, “Impossible Pregnancy” , “Runaway Bride” , “Nets and Lines”,  “The Downfall of Jezebel” , “Healing Hands” , and “No More Imposters” .
Now is the time to be activated in the things of the Lord and be prepared for the coming outpouring of His Spirit. Hear the full prophetic word and each of the specific words of knowledge that God has revealed for the Body to be greatly heartened, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: backsliders, dry bones, nations, mocking, obstacles, oxygen mask, The Comforter, The Upper Room, hyperventilation, drought, rain, forgiveness, pregnancy, life, locusts, retire, healings, the internet, and online. Greg and John shared in this segment.

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#VFNtv F1A2I3T4H5   3DGWA    S1P2I3R4I5T6    H1O2P3E4   John Kilpatrick Prophesy

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