LISTEN NOW! (Or WATCH FULL PROGRAM!) It is important to recognize that whoever we are, we didn’t just get here. Wherever we are, we got here because of those who went before us and labored so that we can have what we are presently given. When Michael Koulianos recently sat down with Bill Johnson, he asked if Johnson saw anything that he would “tweek”. As a man with extensive experience and wisdom, Johnson elaborates that it is easy to spot problems, but he shares even deeper wisdom.
“Let’s just talk about our environment. We work so hard to build a sense of identity. Identity in Christ. What some people don’t know is the price we have paid to get breakthrough.”Johnson continues to share how people receive prayer for areas, such as healing. As they pray for others they experience breakthrough. What many do not understand is the connection of the breakthrough is because of the inheritance that was given to them. Johnson elaborates; “An inheritance is when you get something for free that someone else paid a price for. But, if you’re going to leave an inheritance for your children, you’ll have to pay a price to increase what you got for free”.
Koulianos continues to press into the profound wisdom as he addresses Johnson’s awareness of past moves of God and the lives that were lived by the pioneers of our past. “Have you ever read of anyone who made a significant impact on culture who did not have a price to pay?” With straight resoluteness, Johnson responds, “Oh no. No. It’s not possible.”
This is such an important revelation to understand. So many that inherit wealth, waste it. Most of them lose it all. There is a special gift in understanding the value of hard work. It is important to understand that our labors are not for ourselves, but for those who will come after us, the next generation, so that they can walk in exponentially greater than what is presently being walked in. See the full discussion between Michael Koulianos and Bill Johnson, the significance of the next generation, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: anointing, wisdom, price, cost, inheritance, cost, Bill Johnson, Michael Koulianos, Bethel, and generations. Greg and John shared in this segment.
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