Narcissism manifests in both grandiose and vulnerable forms, each centered on self-exaltation and personal gratification. In stark contrast, Scripture calls Christians to deny themselves, embrace humility, and serve others. This …
Christian Humility vs. NarcissismChristian LivingFaith and Trust in GodHumility and prideMoral DeclineMoral InstructionNarcissism and Self-CenterednessPersonal ResponsibilityPsychological Disorders and FaithPsychologySelf-ImprovementSpiritual DiscernmentSpiritual Warfare
America's Current LandscapeBiblical Examples and LessonsBiblical ProphecyCelebrating the success of othersDivine InterventionDivine Protection and GuidanceFaith and GovernanceFaith and LeadershipHistorical parallelsLeadership TransitionsPolitical Challenges and Spiritual ReflectionsSpiritual Warfare in Government LeadershipTeachingVictory and Thanksgiving