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Home » There is Power in our Weakness

There is Power in our Weakness


LISTEN NOW! Pat, Greg, and John share about how the Apostle Paul said in 2 Corinthians 12:5-10 he will boast in his weaknesses.  Paul recognized that the thorn in his flesh was ultimately a blessing but because when he is weak God is strong.  They continue to discuss this may be the reason many in the church lack power, because they are not willing to share and be open about their weakness so God can get all the glory.  It’s not about trying harder but rather about putting our trust and dependence on God.  It’s time to exercise true humility that focuses on God rather than false humility where the focus is always on the person.    Rick Joyner said, “You are not ready until you are ready to be humiliated for the sake of the one who is humiliating you.”

 shutterstock.com/Leszek Glasner

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