Life is short; Just do the right thing
Greg, John, and Pat discuss how life is so short when they speak of a young woman who was only 35 when she just passed away. We don’t live forever and the only thing we take is what is buried with us. They continue to discuss the parable of the Rich man and Lazarus found in Luke 16:19-31. At the end Lazarus the beggar made it while the rich man who was in torment was asking for help. We need a huge paradigm shift in America when it comes to sharing with the poor. They continue to discuss if many in the church are robbing God in their tithes how can they really respond to the poor among us. Pat also shares about how the book Ecclesiastes in the Bible says how sorrow refines and purifies us and how going through pain allows us to draw close to God in our time of need. He also shared how one woman’s encounter with cancer helped her to get her life right with God. Life is short, do the right thing and live for God.
Former Vice President Sell TV Network to Aljazeera
Greg, John, and Pat discuss how former Vice President and Presidential candidate just recently sold his Current Network to an alleged terrorist network Aljazeera for reportedly 100 million dollars. Current TV Network is being broadcast into 47 million American homes.
Are we training Killers?
Greg, John, Pat share about the recent school massacre in Newtown Connecticut. They speak about how we need to call things by what they are and in the case of Newtown Connecticut and events like it to call them massacres. They shared how even Hollywood put together a Public Service Announcement to ban guns. Just a few days later someone put together another video with each of the actors in the PSA with their same statements but with additional video showing movie clips of their violent massacre scenes. It is better for Hollywood to remain silent. These were not shootings. The word shooting is okay; we shoot and hunt for animals and target practice but what happened at Sandy Hook Elementary was a massacre. They continue to mention an experiment done with Pavlov’s dog that was trained to come eat just by ringing a little bell. Just like Pavlov’s dog are we training our children to be killers as they play for hours on video games killing and murdering people over and over again. We are not going to be able to change anything with laws. Change starts at home. Begin to pray about making your home a safe home. Make a stand in what type of games that will not to be allowed in your home even if your will is bypassed at least you took a known stand.
Google, Ray Kurzweil, & Artificial Intelligence; Are they using your data?
John and Greg discuss how Ray Kurzweil, the thinker and inventor, just joined Google. He will be working on artificial intelligence and he has allegedly said that he will have unlimited resources at his disposal which many wonder if Google users information will be used.
Flu hasn’t hit this hard since a decade ago
Greg, John and Pat speak of the recent climb in flu cases as it has been reported by CBN. More people are being infected by the flu this season than what has occurred a decade ago. It is important to wash your hands and even consider getting a flu shot this season. When gathering as the church this is a great time to love each other by washing our hands and coughing and sneezing in a way that prevents as much germs as possible.