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Home » Don’t be ignorant of the Devil’s Dividing Tool

Don’t be ignorant of the Devil’s Dividing Tool

Rob Hyrons/Shutterstock.com

LISTEN NOW! Steve, John and Pat discuss how we must not be ignorant of the devil’s tool to divide us from those we love.  They share how the Bible gives no record of Jesus visiting John the Baptist when he was in prison nor does it state that John was offended as a result.  John understood that he must decrease and the Lord must increase and that it wasn’t about him. Yet the Pharisees on the contrary were always greatly offended and remained divided from Jesus.  John Bevere writes in the book The Bait of Satan “Jesus showed that offenses will actually purge those who are not truly planted by His Father.  Some people may join churches or ministry teams but have not been sent by God or are not of God.  The offense that comes when truth is preached reveals their true motives and causes them to uproot themselves.”  They continue to share that the way to remain rooted or not divided from the body of Christ and those we love is to embrace humility and to overlook an offense.


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