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Home » The Truth behind DISINFORMATION



LISTEN NOW! Greg, John and Pat discuss the importance of knowing the truth behind disinformation.  They discuss a new book written by a former highest ranking Soviet bloc official ever to defect to the West; Lt. Gen. Ion Mihai Pacepa called Disinformation: Former Spy Chief Reveals Secret Strategies for Undermining Freedom, Attacking Religion, and Promoting.  Disinformation is defined as false information that is intended to mislead, esp. propaganda issued by a government organization; or planted rumor, to rival power or the media.  They continue discussing why programs like the VFNRadio and VFNtv are so important because of the day we are living in especially with a 24 hour news cycle.  It’s not just enough to know the news but to know what to do with the news you know.  They further discuss how this also happens in ministry especially before one is getting ready to minister it’s as if a plant is sent by the enemy to speak things out to the one ministering to get them off the message.   Sometimes the best thing to say is nothing.  Disinformation is nothing more than Alinsky 101 and would not be an issue if more than 3% of the church would actually abide.  You will find things out as you abide in the word of God.  Get in the Word and know the truth.  


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Tags: terrorism, confuse, Ukraine, bullet-proof vest, polarized, Alinsky


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