Loving God, Loving Others and Leading Others to do the Same

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A Doorway to Access a Relationship with God and Others

Courtesy of Peshkova/Shutterstock.com 

LISTEN NOW!   John, Pat and Steve share about how it is so easy in the present day culture to get self-focused on where we are, the task at hand, and lose sight of those around us. Dishonor is prevalent in society but that is not how God calls us to interact with each other. Every sin comes from dishonor, whether we are dishonoring God or dishonor someone else. It is easy to see how everything that God has established is being dishonored. Before we look at others, honor has to start in our own lives. Be stirred as they share how you can be honoring to God and others, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: sex trafficking, abortion, business, parents, family, children, satan, and love.



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