WATCH! LISTEN NOW! Greg, Pat, and John continue the conversation regarding Israel and the critical hour that we are in on Earth. Amidst the many different narratives about Israel, as believers it is imperative that we stand with Israel and for Israel. Tension remains for those in Southern Israel as rockets from Gaza continue to be fired against Israelis. Since 2001, over 8,000 missiles have been shot in the town of Sderot, also known as “Rocket Town”. While there may not be rockets, or continual threats of harm in other parts of the world, it is important to remain in a place of empathy towards our Jewish brothers and sisters, if not, the church is next. Pastor Martin Niemöller details the exact empathetic perspective we must have towards Israel:
Because I was not a Socialist.
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.
Because I was not a Jew.
Guests Run for Cover as Rocket Explodes over Israel Wedding
Life in Rocket Town: In The Shadow of Gaza’s Fury
Reporters Duck and Weave and Bombs Drop
Essential Israeli Apps When Under Rocket Fire
“Color Red” App Warns Israelis of Attacks
Life in Rocket Town: In the Shadow of Gaza’s Fury
Prayer for Israel
Israel Will Not Tolerate Attempts to Harm Civilians
Are You Ready to Stand with Israel?