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Home » Former Microsoft Employee Develops Interactive App named Righteous Tales: David and Goliath; Amazing!

Former Microsoft Employee Develops Interactive App named Righteous Tales: David and Goliath; Amazing!

Screen capture from righteoustales.com

LISTEN NOW!John, Pat, and Steve share the new releases of an app that can help children hear and learn about the truths in the Bible. In the present generation, there have been so many technological advancements. It was a long process and journey in order to have the blessing of being able to read the Bible, we can listen to the Bible, and now we can watch the Bible through a multitude of different resources. Find out what new releases are out for you to be able to spend more time in the Word of God, how to share the Word of God with others, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: apps, David and Goliath, Superbook, Noah, the Passion, technology, and evangelism.


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