LISTEN NOW! Can someone still get the flu even after getting a flu shot? The Center for Disease Control (CDC) is reporting about the effects and outcomes in this current flu season. When approaching flu seasons are on the rise, it is based on specialists to decide which strand of flu they should be prepared for. Washington Post is reporting, “A CDC study of the flu viruses now circulating showed that the vaccine may have limited effectiveness against more than half of the most common one, H3N2.” If you have flu like symptoms after getting the flu shot, there are still second level precautions that are available. If you haven’t gotten your flu shot, still get it. Amidst these findings, it is still important to be aware of how you are coughing and washing your hands. Hear the full details of the report and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Tamiflu, flu shots, epidemic, health awareness, the emergency room, and wisdom. Greg, Pat, and John shared in this segment.
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