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Home » Is Net Neutrality, the gateway drug to the beast economy spoken of in Revelation Chapter 13:11-18 by tracking everyone, everything and the world’s economy?

Is Net Neutrality, the gateway drug to the beast economy spoken of in Revelation Chapter 13:11-18 by tracking everyone, everything and the world’s economy?

Courtesy of lculig/Shutterstock.com

LISTEN NOW! When people begin a new product, install new software, or download a new app, often times there is a product agreement or license to read first before permission is granted for us. Often times, we don’t read through these. Only after a few clicks we can begin use. The decisions that we make matter. The words that are being used today, ex: “Net Neutrality”, some might not be aware of what that entails. It’s important to rewind the history a few decades prior and look closely at the Holocaust. Under the tyrannical oppression of Adolf Hitler, more than 6 million Jews were exterminated, strictly for their faith. Before these massacres were carried out, Hitler demised a way to track every individual he intended to murder: tattoos.


With today’s technology, it’s quite easier to track every individual. With each and every item having a specific URL address assigned, everything can be monitored. In a Blaze interview with Mark Cuban, Cuban shares a business perspective of what the outcome of Net Neutrality could result in. As the church, our mindset cannot be a business mindset. Our decisions cannot be motivated by comfort and convenience. Find out what the Word of God says about the days that we are living in, what we should be looking out for, and so much more.WATCH FULL PROGRAM!


Numbered Trailer

Mark Cuban on The Blaze discussing Net Neutrality

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