LISTEN NOW! One of the foundational entrustments of the Presidency over the United States is to uphold and protect the United States Constitution and the rights given within it. It is concerning when there are individuals expressing their desire to run for that Presidency while at the same time calling expressing ideas that are the antithesis of what is written in that Constitution. Recently, Senator Hillary Clinton stated, “…deep-seated cultural codes, religious beliefs, and structural biases have to be changed….” As these words come from one wanting to be President, it’s a concerning echo to what current President Barack Obama has stated, “we are no longer a Christian nation, at least not just. We are also a Jewish nation, and a Muslim nation, and a Buddhist nation, and a Hindu nation, and a nation of non-believers.” When we compare these statements from two separate people, you’d almost think they were mentored by the same person.
As Hillary Clinton was nearing her graduation from college, her final senior thesis was in response to Saul Alinsky’s tactics of organization and multiple case studies. In 1971, she wrote a letter to Alinsky asking about the release date of the “revelation”, which would later be known as the book, Rules for Radicals. This reality would not bring concern, except when we realize that the inside cover of the book gives recognition to Lucifer. That not being enough, the back cover gives recognition to both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama.
It’s important to remember that just because specific events are taking place, that doesn’t mean that, this is always how things have been. We are witnessing a fundamental transformation. We are not called to push and organize the established leadership to do what we desire them to do when it contradicts the very reason leadership was established for in the first place. Governments and ideas do not transform us; the Word of God, the Bible, does that. Hear more about these profound realities, how we, as the Church are called to respond, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: election, Presidency, Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, President Barack Obama, Saul Alinsky, Rules for Radicals, Marshall Gance, Bill Moyer, The Clinton Initiative, persecution, warning, humility, and prayer. Greg and John shared in this segment.
Barack Obama stating “We are No Longer a Christian Nation” Hillary Clinton stating “Deep-seated…. Religious Beliefs…..have to be changed.”
Rules for Radicals Front Cover
Rules for Radicals Back Cover
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