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Report Card For Congress: Wilberforce Initiative


LISTEN NOW! You may have heard before that the problems in America are because of those in Washington. There are 530 elected officials in Washington because the 330 million people in America that voted for them. Not to vote is to vote. Instead of waiting until someone gets to office to find out what type of decisions they are going to make, we can educate ourselves beforehand.

The 21st Century Wilberforce Initiative was created in order to understand how our officials have acted previously regarding certain issues. Think of it as a scorecard. Former United States Representative, The Honorable Frank Wolf, said it this way. “If there is a vote on that issue, everyone ought to know about it. If there’s a vote on genocide resolution, which I hope there is soon, everyone ought to know how their member of congress voted on that issue. So, that’s really the purpose of it…” How beneficial would this information be when considering future candidates to make up the leadership of our nation?


You determine who your representative is. Too many people are pointing their finger at someone to blame. You are not only encouraged to take part in the voting process but also empowered and informed as to how, as well as the powerful story of William Wilberforce, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: slavery, representation, voting, democracy, salvation, and government. Greg and John shared in this segment. 
courtesy of Drop of Light/shutterstock.com


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