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Home » ‘Demonizing Jews and Encourage Shahada (martyrdom) and Jihad (holy war)’; Looking at what Palestinian Textbooks Teach Students

‘Demonizing Jews and Encourage Shahada (martyrdom) and Jihad (holy war)’; Looking at what Palestinian Textbooks Teach Students


LISTEN NOW! When we see the acts of jihad and terrorism throughout the world, many wonder why so many travesties and devastations are happening throughout the world. But, when we simply look at the text of what is taught, we begin to see a clear picture as to why some people do what it is that they do. According to nirboms.com, “The Levant countries presently consist of the states of Palestine, Jordan, Lebanon and Syria. Israel remains absent in the vast majority of textbook maps as well.” Take into consideration he openly omits Israel and combine that with what is encouraged. Nirboms continues to reveal that according to the “Religious Affairs issued by the Waqf, it is written that:


Today the Muslim states need Jihad and Jihad warriors urgently in order to free the robbed territories and get rid of the thieving Jews in the robbed lands of Palestine and the Levant”. Can it be any clearer? This is how many Palestinians are raised and taught. Hear the full story of what else is being taught, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Radical Islam, the Levant, Jihad, holy war, John Guandolo, and racism. Greg and Steve shared in this segment.

Courtesy of Yulia Grigoryeva/Shutterstock.com

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