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Home » Is there a Coming National Police Force over America?

Is there a Coming National Police Force over America?


LISTEN NOW! When certain topics are brought up, some casually respond by saying, that will never happen. Can you imagine a national police force being implemented in America? Consider the scenario of a nation being brought to such a heightened place of tensions and conflict, that the very people meant to protect, law enforcement, now are not trusted. Presently, the narrative of the day is that people in blue are bad.

Not trusting law enforcement is like not trusting your skin. It is the very skin of your body that keeps infection out. 99% of law enforcement are law abiding people who understand their duty to serve and protect the people. But, just because there is a small number that are not does not mean to remove the entire reality of law enforcement.

There are different state enforcements as well, but that is not the case when Martial Law is enacted. When Martial Law is declared, local law enforcement is irrelevant. As well as other state authorities. Instead, The Commander in Chief, The President of the United States leads entirely. Imagine a government department being funded as much as the military. If you don’t think this is a possible reality, consider the words of President Barack Obama. “We cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we’ve set. We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that is just as powerful, just as strong, just as well funded.” Instead of sending fines from local traffic tickets to your local agencies, you now send it to Washington. This is not the America we want nor is it the America that is spelled out in the Constitution.

Hear the full conversation of the comments from President Obama, what the implications of Martial Law are, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: police, law enforcement, Executive Branch, military, national security, and Homeland Security. Greg and Steve shared in this segment.

Courtesy of 1000 Words/Shutterstock.com

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