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Home » The Unity and Diversity Discussion Held on the Gulf Coast Part 2

The Unity and Diversity Discussion Held on the Gulf Coast Part 2


The Unity and Diversity Discussion Held on the Gulf Coast: The Conversation the Father wants His children to have Part 2
A powerful answer to prayer has come about to begin a conversation. In Matthew 28:19, Jesus commands His disciples, “…go and make disciples of all nations…”. The nations are made up of all people, not one particular demographic, or ethnicity, or race. We are called to tell everybody, of every ethnicity about Jesus. For someone to look at the gathering of the church, the nations should be seen and reflected. In order for the church to win the nations to Jesus Christ, we must love and care about the nations as the heart of Jesus Christ would.
As the church in the Gulf Coast gathered in years past, one particular gathering stands out bringing an impactful context to this conversation. When the reality of racial profiling is addressed by leaders in the church with a willingness to repent and forgive the reality of it; the impact upon the body of Christ and the hearts of a people is stunningly profound. At the very same time of this precise gathering, impactful leaders were marching at the Mall in Washington D.C. addressing the same issue. God is into the balancing of scales of justice in a land and within the people He has created. In his own words, Rick Joyner shares how specific people groups have something special to offer an entire nation. The events that have unfolded in history regarding the first nation people have incredible implications that some may of never been aware of.
Just moments ago, Pastor Len Ballenger of Jubilee Christian International hosted a panel of pastors to begin a conversation about diversity in the church.  The panel was comprised of Associate Pastor Earon James of Jubilee International, Pastor Josh Wallnofer of Klondike Baptist Church, Pastor Greg Burns of New Dimensions Christian Center, and Pastor Dan Livingston of Transformation Church. Who better to carry on the conversation than leaders in the church who have walked out their own journeys and experiences of diversity in the Church? As the vitality of this issue is addressed, Pastor Greg Burns expresses the critical perspective in order to move forward in this concern. The world responded to segregation with integration. An outward decision will never address the issues of the heart. He shares that instead of beginning with integration, we must first go through reconciliation. “Integration is an external move. Reconciliation is an internal move”. There is a must needed process from segregation: reconciliation, integration, appreciation, and then celebration.

There is great anticipation in the Body of Christ as we see a clearer lens of Revelation 7:9, “After this I looked, and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb…” Let your hope arise in what God is doing in the church as you hear from each of the pastors, how God has confirmed the need and timing of this conversation with signs and wonders, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Fox News, Hand of God, United States Air Force Band, Pearl Harbor, Pensacola Bay Center, repentance, immigrants, Christopher Columbus, ethnicity, generations, military, persecution, crisis, humility, and love. Greg, Pat, and John shared in this segment.


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