80 Lashes Given to a Christian in Iran: Guess for what?
LISTEN NOW! Greg, John, and Pat discuss the 80 lashes Christians were given in Iran. “A court in Iran has sentenced four Christians to 80 lashes each for drinking wine during a communion service” according to CBN. God and Jesus alone are supreme and Muhammad is a lie. Just the mention of Jesus’ name brings outrage. If you ever wondered about the potency of the blood of Jesus you need not look any further. Satan is terrified of the blood of Jesus and will do anything to come against it as if he could. Communion and water baptism bring such outrage because they represent in essence what it means to follow Jesus and declare Him Lord. Our present leadership had done little to nothing to take action against such horrific assaults on Christians in Muslim countries. They encourage us to pray for the persecuted church. We mustn’t forget our persecuted brothers all over the world. They also lead us in a prayer over the people of Iran that they may all come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.
Don’t Be Deceived: Disciples make Disciples
Greg, John, and Pat discuss the importance of not being deceived; disciples make disciples. They continue to discuss the conversation that David Plat and Franci Chan have over this very same issue. Francis speaks about the children’s game Simon Says and the children follow but today the church doesn’t do what Jesus says they regard God’s word as mere suggestions. They continue to share the importance of not to be quick to say that someone came into the kingdom but rather to wait on fruit in their life that points to the fact that they indeed have come into the kingdom. They continue to discuss the importance of not focusing on mouth statements but action. It’s important not to just hear God’s word but to put God’s word into practice. There must be implementation of God’s word in our life if we claim to know Him. It’s worse to claim to know the light, God, and his word and not do what it says because you are just deceiving yourself. They continue to encourage us to abide in God’s word and to do what God instructs us to do.
What will you do When Holy Spirit Moves upon you to Speak Truth to Power?
John, Greg, and Pat discuss a recent occurrence that took place in Congress when House of Representatives were voting to reopen the government from its most recent shutdown. As the vote was taking place Diane Reidy, the House stenographer, approached the microphone and declared “Praise be to God. He will not be mocked”. Charisma News reports that Diane said “For the past 2 1/2 weeks the Holy Spirit has been waking me up in the middle of the night and preparing me (through my reluctance and doubt) to deliver a message in the House Chamber,” she told “Fox News” Chad Pergram in a statement. “That is what I did last night.” They continue to discuss the importance of standing up and declaring what God tells you to say and to do what he tells you to do. The Holy Spirit is moving upon believers everywhere to do God’s will. The question is what will you do when He moves upon you to speak truth to power. If you don’t obey God their blood will be on your hands. Step out and obey Him.