It is such an encouraging breath of fresh air to have a conversation with those who are down to Earth and humble. Jack Hollis is one of these men and his life …
It so incredibly encouraging to have people who have lived life, and seen the faithfulness of the Lord do great and mighty things in their lives, to walk alongside us …
It so incredibly encouraging to have people who have lived life, and seen the faithfulness of the Lord do great and mighty things in their lives, to walk alongside us …
Being Led By The Spirit Is The Key! The Wisdom of Walking with Holy Spirit vs the Knowledge of Men It so incredibly encouraging to have people who have lived …
If we were to focus on the present headlines and constant updates of what is taking place around the world and within the borders of America, it can be easy …
These are crazy days that we are living in. There are prophetic words coming to pass at a rapid, rapid rate. When we look at the activities that are taking …
There are so many interesting things taking place in the world today. As the Lord just said to Greg Lancaster, “What is about to happen is going to be like …
by Oral Roberts 1. Know that God’s Will is to Heal YouPractically everyone recognizes the fact of God’s healing power. Mental acceptance is not enough. We must have personal, active …
Tidal Waves, Surge, Undertow and the Coming Glory The Lord has shown many of His people a tidal wave coming. They’ve been seen as tidal waves of God’s glory and tidal waves of …
MY PRAYER FOR YOU TODAY. ‘We have NOT STOPPED praying for you. We continually ask God to FILL YOU with the KNOWLEDGE of HIS WILL through all the WISDOM and …
Since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with …