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Home » Faith that Takes the Land

Faith that Takes the Land


LISTEN NOW! John and Pat discuss the importance of having faith to take the land.  God was bringing the Israelites to a place flowing with milk and honey, a land that was set apart for them by God.  However, just because God has something for you doesn’t mean it is going to be wrapped up with colorful paper and handed to you.  God requires that you step out in faith and grasp what he has prepared for you.  Moses in Number’s 13 sent a delegation to go spy out the land and to report what they saw.  Most came back giving a fearful report with the exception of Caleb who said we can take the Land.  Where God is taking you requires faith and bold steps.  It’s not about having blind faith but rather faith that is secure, faith in God’s word and on what he has said, currently saying, and what He has done.  Let a faith filled spirit arise and take the land.

courtesy of enterlinedesign/shutterstock.com


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