LISTEN NOW! Greg interviews Penny Nance, CEO of, Concerned Woman for America promoting CWA’s visit to Pensacola, FL on March 14th for their Obamacare Decoded event. Concerned Women for America is a non-profit organization that has been in existence for 35 years. CWA’s Florida chapter alone has 22,000 members. Penny Nance, CWA’s CEO, and one of several speakers for the event, shares how this event is designed to foster non-partisandiscussion regarding the Affordable Care Act also referred to as Obamacare. They also will be addressing the many issues affecting Americans including the unprecedented attack on our religious freedoms. They discuss that what happens with the Affordable Care Act effects jobs, end of life issues, religious liberties and so much more. Penny continues to discuss that democracy only works if everyone participates and in order for everyone to participate everyone needs to be educated. Concerned Women for America is based in Washington DC just one block from the White House, where they work to advance issues that are important to all citizens especially women. The issues they champion are value based such as sanctity of Life, Defense of Family, Education, Religious Liberty, National Sovereignty, Sexual Exploitation, and support for Israel.
Penny Nance, CEO, Concerned Women for America Interview
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Tags: Florida, Pro-life, Israel, education, non-partisan, Obamacare, healthcare, liberty, values