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Home » Replica of Noah’s Ark Set to Be Built; Creation Museum in Kentucky

Replica of Noah’s Ark Set to Be Built; Creation Museum in Kentucky


LISTEN NOW! John, Greg, and Pat discuss how they enjoy the many different dimensions in the body of Christ as they discuss the ministry of creationism.  They continue to remind us the recent debate between Ken Ham and Billy Nye the science guy.  They further discuss how it has been Ken Ham’s, Creation Museum Founder , desire to recreate Noah’s Ark and now as a result of 7 million people who viewed the debate funds poured in and they are now ready for the project.  This is a huge undertaking but one that Ken wants to undertake to encourage the body of Christ to have faith.  CBN reports the actual dimensions of the ark “It’s 510 feet long, 85 feet wide and 55 feet high,” he said. The bow and the stern take the ark to more than 100 feet tall.”  It will serve as a reminder to God’s people never to forget of what can be accomplished when God calls s to do something that is incredibly larger than what we can even imagine.  They continue to express their joy and excitement regarding this project and encourage us to visit it when completed in Kentucky. 



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Tags: Ken Hamm, Kentucky, Creation Museum, Bill Nye, CBN


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