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Loving God, Loving Others and Leading Others to do the Same

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Home » Kingdom FIRST: Rick Joyner Gino Santa Maria

LISTEN NOW! John and Pat discuss a recent word released by Rick Joyner regarding putting the Kingdom of God first.  They continue to share how we are living in some very exciting days as we anticipate the second coming of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  However Rick shares in this word that one of the best things we can be involved in is helping the Bride of Christ be in a state that is worthy of the King. In this word Rick shares so much but the key foundational thing he shares is the importance of putting the Kingdom of God first.  As Christians Rick shares “We are always to see our purposes in the Kingdom before any interest.”  He went on to share that many Christians today are unable to find a body to fit into is because they are not in the right place geographically.  They continued to discuss how important it is to know that you are called to a geographical region.  They continue to discuss that the reason VFNtv and The Daily VFNRadio program is located where it is; is because God said so.  Many listeners and viewers are aware how they were headed to Texas but God said otherwise.  They discussed how God has brought many of his people to the Gulf Coast from all over the country for such a time as this.  God is about to do something on the face of this earth that if He told you; you probably wouldn’t believe it.  They continue to discuss how they are contending in faith for a mighty move of God and are eagerly anticipating seeing the prophesied billion souls harvest come in.  They remind us that if God is calling you to a geographical region in the country don’t hesitate, get there fast and join in what God is doing.


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