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Home » Stop the Madness; Gun Are Not to Blame for California Rampage; Let’s Take a Closer look at our Over Sexualized and Violent Culture

Stop the Madness; Gun Are Not to Blame for California Rampage; Let’s Take a Closer look at our Over Sexualized and Violent Culture

Courtesy of iQoncept/Shutterstock.com

LISTEN NOW!  John, Pat and Steve revisit the devastating tragedies that recently occurred in California. The quick topics that are being blamed can be overlooked when we focus a little deeper. What are the images being seen in the eyes of our culture? What are the words being heard in our ears? When you look at what is being seen and heard, the answer is right in front of us. This travesty is an offensive occurrence. What else is more offensive? Find out the deeper details that is affecting many and so much more. Also shared in this segment: the Daily Bugle, violence, Little Italy, and culture.



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