Have You Made Money Your God? What Does Jesus say About Money?
Greg, John, and Pat share about a Biblical perspective of money. Should we pay attention to what culture says about money or what God says about money? How do we know if we are serving God or if we are serving money? Does it even matter? Find out the details of these important questions, how it effects you, an entire nation and so much more. Also shared in this segment: tithes, offerings, Barna Group, shrewdness, and check registers.
Dr. Ben Carson’s New Book : One Nation
Greg, John, and Pat discuss the release of Dr. Carson’s new book: One Nation. What we need right now is wisdom. Dr. Carson shares some insightful wisdom and practical things on how to communicate with others, even if they share differing personal views. Find out what you can do in this moment and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Siamese twins, brain probes, and the love of God.
Dr. Ben Carson Says VA Crises is a Gift from God; The Reality that Government Can’t Do Healthcare Well
Greg, John, and Pat continue the discussion about the travesties that have happened within the VA. In a recent interview, Montel Williams shares a much needed perspective of our veterans and how we can show our support for them and their sacrifices that were made for providing the freedoms in the nation. The veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan conflicts make up 2.8 million of the nearly 22 million American Veterans. We owe a deep gratitude to those who laid down everything so that we could have what we have. Find out what you can do to make a positive change, impact and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Congressman Jeff Miller, BBQs, Navy Corpsmen, and surges.